Science & Nature
The Andromeda Galaxy
The Andromeda Galaxy is a large spiral galaxy located 2.5. Million light years away, making it the closest large galaxy to the Milky Way.
What Is The Oldest Rock Ever Found?
The oldest rock ever found is the Murchison Meteorite, dated to be around 7-billion years old, older than the solar system itself.
These 9 Cities Could Disappear By 2030
Although many cities at risk of sinking have prepared and innovated themselves by erecting protective measures, they must face the consequences of global warming
What Is The Universe Made Of?
The universe is composed of matter and energy, yet most of those ingredients come in the form of dark matter and dark energy.
The Largest Asteroid In The Solar System
The largest asteroid in the solar system is Vesta, an asteroid within the Asteroid Belt with a diameter of 326 miles across.
NASA Crashes Spacecraft Into An Asteroid
DART is a spacecraft launched by NASA in 2021 with the goal of striking the asteroid head-on and altering its trajectory.
How Much Carbon Dioxide Is In The Atmosphere?
Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas that traps heat and keeps our planet warm. Approximately 0.04% of Earth’s atmosphere is made of carbon dioxide.
The Solar System With Four Habitable Planets
The TRAPPIST-1 solar system contains seven known planets, four of which orbit within the habitable zone of the central star.
Is Earth A Planet?
The Earth is one of eight known planets that orbit the sun. Earth’s gravity is strong enough to make it spherical and clear its orbit of debris.
What Are Sunspots?
Sunspots are darker, colder regions on the sun’s surface. They are associated with the formation of both solar flares and coronal mass ejections.
What Is The Biggest Star Ever Found?
The largest star ever found is a hypergiant called UY Scuti. Located 5,219 light years away, it is 1,700 times larger than the sun.
How Old Is The Milky Way?
The Milky Way is estimated to be around 13-billion years old based on the age of subgiant stars within the Milky Way Galaxy.
7 Most Hurricane-Hit States In The United States
Batten down the hatches and head the calls of local authorities if you find yourself in these parts during a swell.Â
Why Does Uranus Spin On Its Side?
Unlike all the other planets, Uranus spins on its side. The reason for this is likely due to a planetary collision that occurred billions of years ago.
What Is Retrograde Motion?
Real retrograde is when an object moves the opposite direction than expected, while apparent retrograde motion is due to perspective.
Jupiter Is About To Be At Its Closest Approach in 59 Years
On September 26, 2022, Jupiter will be closer to the Earth than at any point in the last 59 years. Jupiter will be located 365-million miles away.
Why Is Neptune Blue?
Neptune is blue because of the amount of methane within its atmosphere, which absorbs red light and reflects blue light.
The Largest Planet Ever Found
To date, the largest planet found is a gas giant designated ROXs-42Bb. The exoplanet is 9 times the mass of Jupiter and 2.5 times the size of Jupiter.
10 Iconic Animals That Live Only In Africa
From the rhinoceros to the zebra and beyond, Africa's spectacular animals are a testament to the awesomeness of nature.
Is Jupiter A Failed Star?
Jupiter has a similar composition to the sun, leading to it being called a failed star. However, Jupiter would need to be 80 times heavier to become a star.
10 Animals That Live In Antarctica
The freezing deep south of Antarctica is home to many remarkable animals, including numerous record-breakers. These are ten notable species that live and thrive in Antarctica.Â
James Webb Finds Carbon Dioxide On An Exoplanet
However, scientists are now beginning to study the atmospheres of distant exoplanets in unprecedented detail, and that’s thanks to James Webb.Â
How Far Can Humans See In Space?
The farthest object we can see with just our eyes is the Andromeda Galaxy, yet telescopes are capable of seeing many billions of light years further.
What Is Gravity?
Gravity was first described by Isaac Newton in 1687, and it was later refined by Albert Einstein in 1915 with his General Theory of Relativity.
How Far Away Is The Sun?
The Earth orbits the sun at an average distance of 93-million miles (150-million kilometres), yet that distance changes due to Earth’s orbital eccentricity.
10 Hottest States In The United States
The following article discusses the ten hottest states in the US based on their average temperatures.
The 11 Worst Heat Waves In History
Heat waves are becoming an unfortunately common occurrence. This article looks at the 11 Worst Heat Waves in History.
The Second Law Of Thermodynamics
The Second Law of Thermodynamics is one of the most important laws of physics. It measures the amount of entropy, or disorder, in our universe.
James Webb Telescope Finds Its First Supernova
The James Webb Space Telescope is already making big discoveries, one of which might be a supernova in a galaxy over three billion light years away.
Saturn’s Moon Hyperion
Hyperion is one of Saturn’s many moons. It may be small, yet it is one of the most unique moons in the solar system in terms of appearance.
Neptune’s Moon Triton
Neptune is orbited by 14 moons. Triton is the largest moon of Neptune and one of the strangest, most unique moons in the entire solar system.
Is There Water On Mars?
There is enormous amounts of evidence that Mars was once covered in water, yet there is some evidence that it may still have some liquid water underground.
What Is Renewable Energy?
Renewable energy comes from naturally replenishing sources that do not run out. They are divided into solar energy, hydroelectric energy, wind energy, etc.
The 3 Types Of Rocks
Sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic rocks are the three different types of rocks that make up all the rocks on Earth.
Meet The Nepali Man On A Dangerous Mission To Save Venomous Snakes
Rohit Giri is educating people to stop killing snakes and saving the lives of both snakes and people with his rescue missions.