Which US States Start With N?
The United States of America is divided up into 50 states. Each state has a different government with its own laws although they are under all under the national government, which is led by the President of the United States. Going by this description, a state can be simply defined as a political entity that is a part of the United States. Of the 50 states, only eight of them have names beginning with the letter “N.” These states are Nevada,Nebraska,New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York (the state), North Carolina, and North Dakota.
A Closer Look at Some of the US States That Begin With "N"
New Mexico
Going by size, New Mexico is the largest state among the states that start with "N" with a size of about 121,699 square miles. It is the fifth largest state overall in the US. Located in the southwestern portion of the US, the state is part of the Four Corners region alongside Utah, Arizona, and Colorado. New Mexico is bordered to the east by Oklahoma while the southeast is bound by Texas. To the south is the Mexican state of Chihuahua while Sonora forms the border to the southwest. The latest estimates place the population at around two million, which places New Mexico in the 36th position in terms of population. The capital city, which doubles as the cultural center, is Santa Fe while Albuquerque is the largest city. The economy of the state is driven by several key sectors including oil drilling, farming, and retail trade. The gross domestic product (GDP) of 2016 was $95 billion.
New York
The state of New York is located in the northeastern region of the United States spanning an area of about 54,555 square miles. The state is bordered to the south by Pennsylvania and New Jersey while the east is bound by Connecticut, Vermont, and New Jersey. The state has a rich history as it was among the original Thirteen Colonies of the United States. For clarification purposes, the state is described as New York State while the city is commonly described as New York City, which is the largest city in the state. Both the city and the state’s names originate from the Duke of York of the 17th century who would later become King James II of England. With a population of about 19,849,399 people, the state is the fourth most populated in the US. In 2015, the GDP was $1.5 trillion with the major sectors including finance and technology.
New Jersey
Aside from being the smallest state among the eight with an area of 8,722 square miles, New Jersey is also the oldest state of the US after its admission to the union on December 18, 1787. The state, which is also a peninsula, is located in the Mid-Atlantic region in the northeastern side of the US. The north and the east are bordered by New York while the Atlantic Ocean borders it to the east, south, and southeast. Delaware and Delaware Bay border it to the southwest while Delaware River and Pennsylvania are to the west. With a population of about 9 million people, the state is the 11th most populated state.