Highest Mountains In Sweden

Kebnekaise is the tallest mountain found in Sweden.
Kebnekaise is the tallest mountain found in Sweden.

Sweden is the largest country in Northern Europe and the fourth largest in all of Europe. The country has 25 landscapes based on its geography, history, and culture. About 65% of Sweden is covered with forest, with its population concentrated in the southern part of the country. The highest point in Sweden, Kebnekaise, is 6,926 feet above sea level. Sweden has some of the highest mountains in Northern Europe.

Highest Mountains In Sweden


Kebnekaise is the highest mountain in Sweden with an elevation of 6,909 feet above the sea level located in Sapmi. The Kebnekaise massif has two peaks with the southern peak being the highest. The glacier covering the southern peak continues to melt with fear that the southern peak will sink lower than the northern peak within few years. The north peak is the highest fixed point in Sweden. Kebnekaise lodge is located at the foot of the mountain and is the starting point for the ascent of Kebnekaise via the western route. At an altitude of 300 meters of Kebnekaise, there are peak cabins and rocky escapements. The peak of Kebnekaise is a small glacier which is less than ten meters high. About 10% of Sweden can be viewed from the summit of Kebnekaise.


³§²¹°ù±ð°ì³ÙÂáÃ¥°ì°ìÃ¥ is Sweden’s second highest mountain and the highest point in Laponian area rises to an elevation of 6,854 feet above the sea level. It is located close to the border of Sarek National Park, south –west of Sourva. The location of ³§²¹°ù±ð°ì³ÙÂáÃ¥°ì°ìÃ¥ and lack of proper road network makes accessibility to the mountain difficult. The mountain is also not popular due to its remote location thus it receives few hikers annually. ³§²¹°ù±ð°ì³ÙÂáÃ¥°ì°ìÃ¥ and its surrounding are covered by snow making it difficult for wildlife survival in the area. However, there are a few vascular plants as well as 15 species of mammals on this mountain.


°­²¹²õ°ì²¹²õ²¹³ÙÂáÃ¥°ì°ì²¹ is the third highest mountain in Sweden at an elevation of 6,811 feet above the sea level. It is located north of mountain huts and research stations in the Tarfala Valley. °­²¹²õ°ì²¹²õ²¹³ÙÂáÃ¥°ì°ì²¹ was first ascended in 1880 by Gustaf Bucht. The summit of °­²¹²õ°ì²¹²õ²¹³ÙÂáÃ¥°ì°ì²¹ is a flat top-plateau which is covered by snow almost throughout the year. The mountain offers a great view of Tarfala Valley and the neighboring Kebnekaise mountain range. °­²¹²õ°ì²¹²õ²¹³ÙÂáÃ¥°ì°ì²¹ and its surrounding are known for windy conditions and several research stations.


Akka is a massif in the northern Sweden at the southwestern portion of the Stora Sjofallet National Park. The massif of Akka has twelve peaks and ten glaciers with the highest peak, Stortoppen, measuring 6,611 feet above the sea level. Below the mountain is Lake Akkajaure which is regulated by the hydroelectric power station. Akka has an impressive appearance due to the large level differences. The mountain is a sacred place for the Sami community while hikers regard it with a sense of awe because of its beauty.

Effects of Glaciations on Mountains in Sweden

The majority of the mountains in Sweden are covered by glacier. However, glaciations threaten to significantly reduce the heights of some of the mountains. It is predicted that Kebnekaise will likely lose its status as the highest mountain in Sweden to the northern peaks because of the heavy glaciations that are taking place at the moment. The new status of the highest mountain in Sweden will affect tourism because of the inaccessibility of the northern peak.

Highest Mountains In Sweden

Rank Highest Mountains in Sweden Elevation
1 Kebnekaise 6909 feet
2 ³§²¹°ù±ð°ì³ÙÂáÃ¥°ì°ìÃ¥ 6854 feet
3 °­²¹²õ°ì²¹²õ²¹³ÙÂáÃ¥°ì°ì²¹ 6811 feet
4 Kaskasapakte 6703 feet
5 Akka 6614 feet
6 ±ÊÃ¥°ù³Ù±ð³ÙÂáÃ¥°ì°ìÃ¥ 6578 feet
7 ±Ê²¹±ô°ì²¹³Ù³ÙÂáÃ¥°ì°ìÃ¥ 6568 feet
8 ³§¾±±ð±ô³¾²¹³ÙÂáÃ¥°ì°ì²¹ 6552 feet
9 °­Ã¥³Ù´Ç³ÙÂáÃ¥°ì°ì²¹ 6532 feet
10 Tarfalapakte 5925 feet

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