The Highest Mountains In Belarus

Belarus is a relatively flat country.
Belarus is a relatively flat country.

Belarus is a landlocked country in Eastern Europe. It is bordered by Russia, Ukraine, Latvia, Poland, and Lithuania. Over 40% of Belarus’ 207,600 square kilometers is covered by forest. The country is relatively flat and has vast plains of marsh. Several streams of water and over 11,000 lakes are located in Belarus. Three rivers cross the country and drain most of the country. The highest point in the country is at Dzyarzhynskaya, at an altitude of 1,132 feet above the sea level while the lowest point on Neman River on 295 feet above the sea level.

Highest Mountain In Belarus

Dzyarzhynskaya Hara

Dzyarzhynskaya Hara is the highest point and the highest mountains in Belarus. It is more of a hill than a mountain with an elevation of 1,132 feet above the sea level. Dzyarzhynskaya Hara is located west of Minsk near Dzyarzhynskaya. The hill was originally called Svyataya hara, but it was renamed in 1958 after Felix Dzyarzhynskaya. The mountain has 25 to 30 rare species of mountain flora. Dzyarzhynskaya Hara is a famous hiking destination for most of the Belarusians and a few tourists who visit the country. The mountain is also a significant geographical feature and a reference point in Belarus

Hara Zamkavaya

Zamkavaya is the second highest mountain in Belarus at an elevation of 960 feet above the sea level. The mountain is located in the part of the country that is west of Minsk, the capital of Belarus. The summit of Zamkavaya is 141 feet above the surrounding terrain. The terrain around the mountain is relatively flat consisting of a mosaic of farmland and natural vegetation. The mountain climate is hemiboreal climate zone. The area around Zamkavaya is sparsely populated. The residents around the mountain are mainly farmers and herders.


Vysokaya Mountain is located in the capital city of Belarus, Minsk. The mountain is the third highest in the country with an elevation of 617 feet above the sea level. The terrain around the mountain is relatively flat with hemiboreal climate. Vysokaya Mountain has some of the rare floral species in the country. The communities around the mountain are mainly farmers but rarely use the mountain for farming activities. The mountain, just like other mountains in Belarus, is a famous hiking destination.


Sokolinskaya is a mountain in Belarus with an elevation of 597 feet above the sea level. The mountain is located in Minsk Oblast. The terrain around the mountain is massive level. The surrounding is area sparsely populated. The climate is hemiboreal with a temperature of 50. Sokolinskaya is a hiking destination for most Belarusians.

Importance of Mountains in Belarus

Most of the streams and a few rivers in Belarus originate from these mountains. However, the rivers and streams do not entirely depend on the mountains for their sources. The mountains are also important hiking destinations frequented mainly by the locals. The mountains of Belarus are the protected area under the management of the Belarus Department of Natural Resources.

Highest Mountain In Belarus

RankHighest Mountains in BelarusElevation
1Dzyarzhynskaya1,132 feet
960 feet
679 feet
4 Vysokaya
617 feet
597 feet
512 feet
509 feet
505 feet
499 feet
496 feet
495 feet

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